Friday 26 November 2010

Arriving in Essaouria

We have arrived n Essaouria, about 130 miles west of Marrakech. The road wasn't too bad and once we had got out of the city, the route was fairly straightforward across miles of dry dusty desert, peppered with argan trees and small bushes. I can't believe how many sheep seem to survive on nothing as there is no grass but you often see small herds with their attendant shepherd crossing the spartan terrain.

Essaouria is known as the Windy City and it certainly lives up to its reputation. There are huge waves crashing on the massive beach which is just visible from our rooftop terrace. We've been lucky enough to find a house to rent through Facebook friends. It's a big house with beds for at least six people and it's clean and tidy and beautifully decorated, owned by some english people. Adam really likes it too.

There's something special about renting a house rather than staying in a hotel. you get a degree of freedom and privacy which you can't get in even the best hotel. We ate fresh fish from a stall near the harbour this evening: red snapper, sardines, scampi, prawns and sea bream - all for around a tenner between us (and that was probably expensive) but I, for one, was too tired to go shopping around all the stalls.

I do love Morocco. It's so different to the UK - even though it rained heavily today! Tomorrow I am hoping to ride a camel on the beach (or a horse). I love camels! I rode one in India years ago and really enjoyed it. I know everyone says they are smelly creatures with bad breath but I like them because they seem to have very powerful personalities.

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