Wednesday 10 November 2010

The Armchair Activist - my first page - where's this going?

Well that's me, really - it sort of sums me up in so many ways - the Armchair Activist. That's quite an apt description, not just about me but about so many of us. I have a wealth of opinion to share but how much of it is really lived? Put into practice? I consider myself so right, so correct, so absolutely accurate in my assertions. But there are other factors to consider and this is going to be my way of doing it.

So what do you think? Do you have opinions? Do you agree with mine? Do you have opinions to share? Do you want to ask me what I think? What I've been doing recently?

One of the things I find so difficult to handle in contemporary society, is the complete lack of opinion, a lack of original thought. Opinion is tempered by prejudice and by the media circus. People rarely seem to think outside the box. Me, I want to jump out of it!

But if I'm in an armchair, I am hardly jumping! More like creaking, creaking into activism. The creaky ones, older people are much more likely to be activists than younger people. Younger people, people my age seem to be inactive and inert. Young people seem to lack articulation, if they have even opinion.

I want to talk about renewables, recycling, world peace, animals, loved ones, music, events, politics, adventures, people, books, films, food, tv, internet, I'm getting frivolous....

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