Wednesday 8 August 2012

Lost Ferret Reunion 20120806_145414_001.avi

I found a ferret on Friday night, when I was coming back from work. I tried to find out where she came from  but to no avail. So I took her home with me on a bit of blanket given to me by someone from the house I'd called at, in a box I had in my car, just before it poured with rain. My daughter was delighted. But I couldn't keep the ferret. I have far too many rabbits, plus dogs, cat and snails.

It's a well known fact that people lose ferrets whilst out rabbiting or dump them because they are sick. I agreed with my daughter that we would keep her only she if were old and sick, not if she were young and healthy.

Returning to work on Monday morning, I saw a Lost Ferret sign outside the house I'd called at, which turned out to be a group of buildings. The ferret belonged to the people in the house next door to the one I'd called at. I contacted the owner who was thrilled to learn she'd been found. The ferret turned out to be a healthy nine year old female. Her name is Maggie.

I took Maggie back home with my daughter, and caught this unedited video on my mobile phone, a few minutes after reuniting her with her sister. This film shows just a snippet of their joy at seeing each other as we follow Maggie exploring her cage with her sister just to check everything is still the same as she left it, before going to bed.

I think the ferret was saying, "Thank you" and "Goodbye" to us as she pressed her face against the mesh. I'm so glad I was able to rescue her from the rainstorm and look after her safely, until we were able to take her home to her sister. I cannot express how amazing it was to see their initial reunion.  This to me is yet further proof that animals are sentient beings, just like us.

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