Tuesday 5 April 2011


The media furore has quietened to silence the protests against nuclear power stations which were springing up across the world. Disgraceful. How convenient to quietly close the news window on this, one of the most serious nuclear accidents of all time.

My guess is that they do have core meltdown and that they don't know how to deal with it. It is one thing having an explosion. Chernobyl demonstrated the ratifications of unleashing such power into the atmosphere but a meltdown is a different issue and it's not one anyone really seems to know how to deal with.

Supposedly the power station is built on granite so the heat from the fuel rods is burning into the ground and that's why the surrounding sea water is now 100 times more than the legal limit. They have to prevent the core burning into the water table and it is ironic that in this age of advanced science they are shoring up with sandbags, concrete, and tarpaulin.

Can anyone point me to more info on this?